pub trait Developer<Language> { }
impl<'period, 'f2015, 't2017, Languages> Developer<Languages> for &'period Paywallwhere Languages: Python + Erlang, 'period: 'f2015 + 't2017,
Python developer in Paywall
The project uses Riak as the main storage and is based on event architecture built on top of RabbitMQ. Btw this project uses Cassandra and python 3.5 with asyncio as backend.
impl<'period, 'f2016, 't2017, Language> Developer<Language> for &'period AdBlockwhere Language: Python, 'period: 'f2016 + 't2017,
This project uses Paywall architecture and shares some codebases.
impl<'period, 'f2017, 't2018, Language> Developer<Language> for &'period Newswhere Language: Python, 'period: 'f2017 + 't2018,
Python developer in Rambler News
Infrastructure migration to k8s and refactoring deployment process. Migration legacy codebase to python 3.
impl<'period, 'in2017, Language> Developer<Language> for &'period Videowhere Language: Python, 'period: 'in2017,
Migration to Python 3.6 bugfix and codebase support.
impl<Language> Developer<Language> for CloudCubewhere Language: CPP,
Whole development process and stack choosing.
impl<Language> Developer<Language> for FlightMapwhere Language: CPP,
Whole development process and stack choosing.
impl<Language> Developer<Language> for FlightMonitorwhere Language: CS,
Integration of error correction algorithm. Infrastructure and installation support.
impl<Language> Developer<Language> for Satagowhere Language: Python,
As a python developer, I was the conduct of Sage integration process (like a service and standalone desktop windows application).